You didn't ask for it, so here it is. I'm compiling a list, I'm probably not checking it twice, and frankly if you think you haven't been naughty.... well anyway, here's a small Shopping Guide for the Vegan on your list that you just can't seem to buy for. Just a note, I'm not sponsored by any of these. I've bought some of them with my own darn cash, and paid for shipping to my own dang house, so there. How's that for transparency.
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1. Vegan Necklace |
$20 from PETA
Okay, say what you will about PETA. Sometimes they are right, sometimes they are outright bizarre. But this necklace kicks the kind of ass that I like seeing kicked. Impress your girlfriend, wife, or both, (just don't mix up the tags...awwwwkwaaaard)
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2. Meat is for Pussies |
2. Meat is for Pussies. John Joseph
$19.50 from The Author Himself...sorta
This is a fun book. John holds nothing back and swears like a sailor, or a punk, or a punk rock sailor. John is the singer for the band Cro-mags. This book explores various aspects of going vegan and will grow you a good set of balls and maybe some hair on your chest. (if you're a girl the results may vary) There's also recipes, lifestyle tips, and maybe some witty comebacks for when people say "you're vegan? how do you live?". There's a bit of testosterone in these pages, but even The Wife™ enjoyed his writing and sense of humor.
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3. Forks Over Knives DVD |
3. Forks Over Knives DVD
$19.99 from Forks Over Knives
"Earthlings" was dubbed "The Vegan Maker" for a reason.
FOK is a little easier to watch, but still high on the education level. The film takes a bit more of a "for your health" stance on going vegan and saves you some of the horrific footage that other movies tend to rely on. FOK is a look at the science of health and how meat, or specifically the lack of meat, impacts your health. AND you can watch this one with your kids without giving them nightmares.
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4. Eating Animals |
Starting from $12.91 for paperback from Indigo
Honestly, I haven't read this cover to cover, but The Wife™ has, and she raves about it.
According to the Indigo site:
"Traveling to the darkest corners of our dining habits, Foer raises the unspoken question behind every fish we eat, every chicken we fry, and every burger we grill. Part memoir and part investigative report, Eating Animals is a book that, in the words of the Los Angeles Times, places Jonathan Safran Foer "at the table with our greatest philosophers."
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5. Pulp art from Thunderpeep Designs |
Prices Vary, from Thunderpeep Etsy
Thunderpeep is the brainchild of Michelle Reaney. I met Michelle in highschool, (we wore plaid around the same time, thank you Seattle.) I'm a big fan of "shop local, shop independent" and here's a perfect example of why. Michelle does fantastic modern folk design in printed paper format. It's nice stuff, made by nice people. Support the girl next door. Unless you don't live next that case support the girl who lives nearby.
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6. Clean your keyboard and order now! |
Prices Vary, from Purrfect Pineapples Cruelty-free Lingerie
Purrfect Pineapples makes High-end lingerie right here in Toronto, Canada. The lingerie is sweatshop-free and animal-free, and frankly super sexy stuff. Bra's, panties, corsets, garters all in fun and exciting colours and prints. Seriously, once you step foot in this online store you'll never want to shop at a "big box" lingerie store again. And it's local, another plus.
Oh, and the models are super-hot too, so your husband will have noooo problem shopping for you online. The downside, you have to order soon to ship before Christmas, the upside, what she'll be wearing to Christmas Dinner that only you know about.
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7. T-shirt from PaintedBus |
Prices Vary, from Paintedbus Artwork
Ken is actually a classically trained artist who normally specializes in murals. As the name implies he's carved a niche in painting old VW vans, but he's now also making shirts. I also make shirts, so seeing these shirts makes me wish I had thought of this. They are super cool, and independently made. Ken might be sweating when he's making these, but I don't think it counts as a sweatshop. Order now to receive them before Christmas, time is running out.
8. Local Music Prices Vary, follow the links....
Cedar refer to themselves as "loud and dynamic" 90's inspired indie/rock. Okay, sure, I call them good. The best part, you can buy VINYL and t-shirts. Awesome.
More or Les is a Toronto rapper who's got new-school technology and an old school vibe. Remember when hip-hop made you want to dance?
Darlings of Chelsea are a Toronto Rock outfit. We have played with them numerous times and they know how to bring the rock. They have a new album that kicks ass. If there's someone on your list who needs their ass kicked, here's your band.
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9. That's not me in the pic. |
$18 - $20 from It Must Suck Being Vegan
Hey, why not consider owning a cool shirt from us too?
The It Must Suck Being Vegan shirt is a nice addition to any wardrobe, especially yours.
The ladies is on a sheer cotton/spandex spun T. Very nice!
The mens is on a slim-fit (no boxes for you) cotton T.